Rocks and Minerals

Rocks and minerals are what make up the contents of our earth. Some would call a rock a mineral and others often call a mineral a rock. Rocks and minerals are not the same even though many interchange the name “rock” and “mineral” quite freely.

We should all know that our food, building structures, and technological advancements, to just name a few, all depend on rocks and minerals we obtain on this planet. For more information on rocks and minerals; what they are, how they are formed, the rock cycle, different types of minerals, the uses of rocks, the uses of minerals, and much more, navigate below to find available topics to read.

The Differences Between Rocks and Minerals” – Some in depth details with answers to questions on rocks and minerals.

For some quick important rock and mineral facts you can visit this page, “6 Important Facts About Rocks and Minerals

Diagram of the Rock Cycle Explained” – This article goes over the rock cycle diagram with more details and explanation than you will get from most sources.

What are Igneous Rocks – Intrusive and Extrusive” – This article will go into some explanation and details about igneous rocks and the two types, intrusive and extrusive.

What are Metamorphic Rocks – Foliated and Non-Foliated” – This article will go into some explanation and details about metamorphic rocks and the two types, foliated and non-foliated.

What are Sedimentary Rocks – Clastic, Biogenic, Chemical” – This article will go into some explanation and details about sedimentary rocks and the three types, clastic, organic (biogenic), and chemical.

Why Fossils are Found in Sedimentary Rocks” – This article explains why fossils are found within sedimentary rocks and not in other types of rocks.

Several Examples of Igneous Rocks” – This article shows several good examples of igneous rocks with a short description of each.
How are Igneous Rocks Formed” – Some in depth information on the formation of igneous rocks

Several Examples of Sedimentary Rocks” – This article shows great examples of common sedimentary type rocks. This also includes examples of sedimentary rocks three types, clastic, chemical, and organic.

Common Examples of Minerals” – This article will go over some examples of common minerals that we can find on our earth today.

What is the softest rock and softest mineral on the earth? “The Softest Rock and Softest Mineral on Earth

What is the hardest rock and the hardest mineral on earth? “The Hardest Rock and Hardest Mineral on Earth

Have you ever wondered if ice was a rock or maybe it’s a mineral? “Is Ice a Rock or is Ice a Mineral?

What minerals are entirely composed of silicon and oxygen? Did you know, silicon and oxygen minerals make up 90% of the earths crust? Read more: “Common Minerals Composed Entirely or Silicon and Oxygen

Some of the best physical properties of minerals that can help you identify your mineral. “9 Important Physical Properties of Minerals

How Crystals are Formed in the Earth” This article goes over some information related to crystal formation and growth.

Mineral luster is somewhat complicated. This article will go over luster in minerals and give examples of each luster type. “The Best Examples of Luster in Minerals

There are many rocks and minerals that look like glass. This article will go over some of the best examples. “Rocks and Minerals That Look Like Glass

Rocks break down in nature. This article will go over the ways that rocks break down by weathering. “The Breaking Down of Rocks by Different Types of Weathering

Abrasion is one of the mechanical ways that rocks will break down by weathering. “3 Ways Abrasion Will Wear Down Rocks” goes into more detail about abrasion of rocks.

Three Rocks That Contain Gold“. This article will talk about the three rocks that contain gold. You might be surprised just where you can find gold.

There are many minerals that contain copper in them. Which ones actually contain the most copper. “Minerals with Copper – Which Minerals Have the Most Copper“.

Ever wonder what common rocks are made of. This article “What Common Rocks Are Made Of” will go over what most rocks on our earth are made of.

There are some very subtle differences between scoria and pumice. Both are volcanic rocks but what are the differences that tell them apart. “Four Main Differences Between Scoria and Pumice

Will water such as rain, or in fish tanks, and even in the shower, harm my Rocks and Minerals?

Can Quartz be Put in Water?

Can you get Your Pyrite Wet?

Can you get Your Amethyst Wet?”

What is a Brittle Metal?” this article goes into what a brittle metal is, what metals are the most brittle, and some research on brittle metals.
This article goes into which minerals have larger quantities of iron in them. It also talks about minerals and iron ore, how iron is extracted, and which countries extract and export the most. “Minerals with Iron – Which Minerals Have the Most